Adam Crist
Bridges to Success Coach
Bridges to Success Coach
Being a coach during the pandemic has presented so many new challenges. For my younger youth, I am not able to see them as often due to so many community resources being closed. However I am able to talk to them via phone or FaceTime and help them brainstorm ideas on how to combat boredom and stay on task with school work. I have been able to help some of my students with their homework online and recommend books and movies for their downtime. Working with youth 18+ has presented some very scary challenges such as unemployment, public transportation, and significant limitations on the community resources they once relied on. We as teams have become very creative in making sure our youth have what they need for the week, and in creating well-organized schedules they can stick to. Most of my young men and women are faring well during this time. However the uncertainty of how things will look from week-to-week makes it hard for some of them to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I have enjoyed being able to stay connected with my students but miss being able to meet them without wearing masks or hearing how lonely they feel due to lack of visitors and social distancing practices.
Because when we build strong children, we build a strong community.