Saturday, October 3
Lake Monticello Golf Course
Lake Monticello Golf Course
Eighteen teams played on a clear, sunny day. The winning team included retired CASA Volunteer Greg Hayden, center, along with Philip Seay, David Passerell, and Neal Davis. Hosted by the CVC Committee of VDOT Culpeper, the Fore Kids Golf Tournament raised $9,552 for Piedmont CASA.

2020 Championship Team: Belmont Pizza & Pub

Lake Monticello Golf Course

Teams registration

Golf carts lining up for shotgun start

Returning teams compare stories over food and drink

VDOT Golf Maestro Will Merritt announces auction winners

Raffle prize winners are being drawn.

Second place team:
Big thanks to our sponsors!

Because when we build strong children, we build a strong community.